Mahogany is a strong hardwood that is slow growing, thus a popular material for interiors as it is very workable and stable.
Mahogany Cabinets
Characteristics & Source
Straight and fine grained
Reddish-brown timber
Darkens over time
Meliaceae family
Strong hardwood
Slow growing
Decent rot and water resistance
Minimal shrinkage and swelling
Moderate weight
Indigenous to North America, South America, and Mexico
50 genera and 700 species (not all are true mahogany)
Three main species: Sweitenia macrophylla, Sweitenia mahagoni, and Sweitenia humuilis
Mahogany Furniture
Production & Maintenance
US and Britain are leading importers
Largest exporter is Peru
Becoming harder to obtain, thus it is more expensive
Cover another timber with a thin layer of mahogany to achieve aesthetic (veneer sheets to make plywood)
Process of cutting the wood, turning it to sawmill, drying it, and ultimately producing object
Refinish periodically (water-based sealant)
Keep away from heat (sunlight or radiators) as it causes fading and cracking
Clean with dry, clean cloth to keep dust off
Mahogany Door
Environmental Impact
Broad-leafed mahogany has been illegally logged leading to it being an endangered species (illegal to be traded, imported, and processed)
African mahogany has to be shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to US consumers which increases the carbon footprint
Illegal harvesting has lead to destruction of rainforests
Not the most sustainable when used illegible, but sustainable when obtained properly
Can be recycled or burned for energy, long life span (good life-cycle cost)
No negative effect on indoor air quality
Mahogany Flooring
Apply an oil-based finish or sanding sealer
Achieve a smooth, satin-like texture
Create micro bevel edge profile to secure together
ASTM Standards
E1486 - Test Method for Determining Floor Tolerances Using Waviness, Wheel Path and Levelness Criteria
D8223-19 - Standard Practice for Evaluation of Fire-Retardant Treated Laminated Veneer Lumber
Forest Stewardship Council
Mahogany Association Inc (labels and numbers)
Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification
Mahogany Paneling Along Staircase
Page by Michelle Dooge