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Mahogany Kitchen


Mahogany is a strong hardwood that is slow growing, thus a popular material for interiors as it is very workable and stable.


Mahogany Cabinets

Characteristics & Source 

  • Straight and fine grained

  • Reddish-brown timber

  • Darkens over time

  • Meliaceae family

  • Strong hardwood

  • Slow growing

  • Decent rot and water resistance

  • Minimal shrinkage and swelling

  • Moderate weight

  • Indigenous to North America, South America, and Mexico

  • 50 genera and 700 species (not all are true mahogany)

  • Three main species: Sweitenia macrophylla, Sweitenia mahagoni, and Sweitenia humuilis


Mahogany Furniture

Production & Maintenance

  • US and Britain are leading importers

  • Largest exporter is Peru

  • Becoming harder to obtain, thus it is more expensive

  • Cover another timber with a thin layer of mahogany to achieve aesthetic (veneer sheets to make plywood)

  • Process of cutting the wood, turning it to sawmill, drying it, and ultimately producing object

  • Refinish periodically (water-based sealant)

  • Keep away from heat (sunlight or radiators) as it causes fading and cracking

  • Clean with dry, clean cloth to keep dust off


Mahogany Door

Environmental Impact

  • Broad-leafed mahogany has been illegally logged leading to it being an endangered species (illegal to be traded, imported, and processed)

  • African mahogany has to be shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to US consumers which increases the carbon footprint

  • Illegal harvesting has lead to destruction of rainforests

  • Not the most sustainable when used illegible, but sustainable when obtained properly

  • Can be recycled or burned for energy, long life span (good life-cycle cost)

  • No negative effect on indoor air quality

Mahogany Flooring


  • Apply an oil-based finish or sanding sealer

  • Achieve a smooth, satin-like texture

  • Create micro bevel edge profile to secure together


ASTM Standards

  • E1486 - Test Method for Determining Floor Tolerances Using Waviness, Wheel Path and Levelness Criteria

  • D8223-19 - Standard Practice for Evaluation of Fire-Retardant Treated Laminated Veneer Lumber



  • Forest Stewardship Council

  • Mahogany Association Inc (labels and numbers)

  • Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification

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