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Elegant Living Room

Plaster is a traditional method of finishing interior wall surfaces and applying three-dimensional ornamentation. It has been used for centuries and is still used today. However, the development of gypsum board has created an alternative to plaster. 



Plaster can be applied to a variety of surfaces. Most common are walls, ceilings, moldings, cornices, corbels, soffits, and ornamentation. Some additional styles and textures of plaster are:​

  • Stucco

  • Venetian plaster

  • Marmorino

  • Scagliola

  • Pargework

  • Plaster of Paris

  • Orange peel wall texture

  • Hawk and trowel texture

  • Slap brush texture

  • Splatter knockdown texture


ASTM Standard for basecoat and finish coat plasters:


04: Gray Stucco Exterior





Page by Lauren Brahm

05: Plaster wall installation

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