Epoxy Paint
Epoxy paints or coatings come in two different ways, one as a ready-made mixture to be applied to a surface, and the other as catalyzed, which means it comes as two seperate materials, and when the two are mixed, they start a reaction to become a hard surface.
Epoxy paint is mainly used in areas where there is moisture, where harsh chemicals are used, and floors. This application focuses on floors.
Clean surface and wet floor to prepare for the etching mixture
Scrub and etch, which prepares the substrate for bonding with the epoxy, then mix the epoxy coating
Apply along perimeter first then roll on the epoxy in the main areas. It will need a second coat when the first is finished.
Finish with a border on the wall.
ASTM C722-18 Standard Specification for Chemical-Resistant Monolithic Floor Surfacings
This standard goes over the requirements for aggregate-filled, resin-based, monolithic surfacings for use over concrete floors in areas where chemical resistance and the protection of concrete are required.​
American Coatings Association
ACA is "is a voluntary, nonprofit trade association working to advance the needs of the paint and coatings industry and the professionals who work in it, including: manufacturers, raw materials suppliers, distributors, and technical professionals. ACA serves as an advocate and ally for members on legislative, regulatory and judicial issues, and provides forums for the advancement and promotion of the industry through educational and professional development services."

04: Epoxy coated garage floor